
ride 'em cowboy!

It's a holiday roundup y'all!

There now follows a list of things I fell in love with this summer:

Fishing... off rocks, off a boat, off my head with the joy of catching stuff, getting someone else to kill it whilst I close my eyes and sing 'ging gang goolly' (my happy place song) then cooking it immediately in the open air before feasting like kings.

Camping... we managed to erect the tent on a scorching afternoon without a single cross word, we slept like babies, lived in the same funky smelling T-shirts for a week, played backgammon, drank beer, told some very tall tales and partied hard.

I've already booked the same pitch for next year....bliss!

Suntans and an Epilator... I've been sporting golden brown, stubble free legs that really do look longer than the hairy, white versions I was hiding within my woolly tights a few months ago. I realise, like the mayfly, they are only here for a few, heady days as the painful high maintenance needed for this look is frankly, a little beyond me. For now though, I'll continue to mince around the house with my short shorts on.

The Tua Tua Shuffle... a strange little dance reminiscent of the twist; it's carried out in waist deep water on a beach at low tide. You shuffle to the left, you shuffle to the right and when your toes hit the motherload you dive and grab these delicious little shell fish. Collect a bucketful, soak in fresh water overnight before marinating and steaming ...gobble, gobble, gobble.

My man... all over again. 2009 was our very own Annus horribilis and although there are still issues to be worked through we are marching in time, hand in hand, singing ging, gang, goolly at the top of our voices.


  1. It sounds wonderful! I can't believe that we will have our own summer again - we seem stuck in winter at the moment. I'm glad that 2010 is proving a good year for you...

  2. Ging Gang Goolly to you too !

    Weird reading about summer when a lot of Blogs I follow are still showing winter wonderland pictures !

    Wishing you a happy year ahead filled with singing your happy song ! xx

  3. Hey Jus,

    I love, love l.o.v.e. the sound of your holiday and the Tua,Tua shuffle!? Reminds me of those funny little twisty dance moves they use to do in 60's movies - cool!!

    Here's to a bright and shiny new year and a big fat kick in the annus horribilis.

    Nina xx

    ps. Eplilators 'ouch' but hair free smooth legs - bliss.

    N xx

  4. Dear Lovely Jus
    I do adore your posting of Summer Loves... (well not the fishy kind, being a Veggie, but the spirit of it anyway ;-)
    Aaaah, I do dream of summer days and dream all the time of going camping again and feeling sunshine and getting brown legs (never had those - I think the suns rays just bounce off my legs!) and all that loveliness you describe. And so happy you are loving your man as if anew... :-)
    And on top of all this I adore your evocative spirit of summer at the top left hand side-bar...... aaaah if only a British summer was half these things......
    Happy happy days to you!
    Denise x

  5. Ooh, that sounds just dreamy! Sunny summer and stubble free legs are ages away for us but, we did just buy early tickets to our yearly music festival with camping and all sorts of good times, can't wait!
    Here is to a lovely 2010!

  6. I’m sat here with a big long face! :-(
    Your holiday sounds like heaven…I think I might join you next time, if that’s ok with you???

    You have reminded me I must do something with my stubbly legs, not a good look.

    Love Lou xxx

  7. I feel quite dizzy and elated reading that after all the cold winds, rain and endless grey skies we've been having...Roll on Summer :o)

    ThankYou for Your Lovely warm comment on my blog, I really appreciated it xxx

    Have a Fantastic sunny weekend xxx


  8. Oh my goodness. I want to do that shuffley sea dance. I want to find the motherload and then cook it and eat it. Right now I'm snuggled under a quilt in front of an open fire with some wine. It's lovely but it's not a warm sea. You lucky lucky lucky woman.
