
q: when is plankton beautiful?

A: When it looks like this....

A vast plankton bloom occurring east of New Zealand has been captured by satellite. Caught up in eddies and currents, the blooms create intricate patterns of blues and greens that spread across thousands of square kilometers of the sea surface.

It reminds me of marbling hard boiled eggs; a favourite Easter time activity when the kids were small... gorgeous.


  1. That is lovely! Is it 'good' plankton (feeding sealife) or bad? We had some 'bad' plankton poisoning our lake recentlty.

  2. That is beautiful. It reminds me of when you put a drop of food colouring into white icing.

  3. Such vivid color, fascinating!

  4. this is such an amazing photo - dreamlike!
    What you need is a whole gang of whales to come your way as they would be happily feasting for several days on that colourful plankton....
    Isn't Nature full of magic?
    Wonderful !
    Thank you for sharing....
