
When you out Tina, Miss Turner!

Oh, how I laughed.
Last Saturday night will live up there with some of the funniest, most mental nights enjoyed ever!
Admittedly, four days later I am still suffering  (I blame the Sambucca, liquor of Satan) and Slap has only just started to see the funny side, but IT WAS WORTH IT!!

We started off with a few drinks, then moved on to the most delicious Malaysian meal, eaten in darkness as there was a power failure and finished up in our friends local. Lovely bar in a slightly seedy part of town with a handkerchief sized dancefloor and a lot of very well manicured men.

I don't remember much after the first round of shots, apparently though it was deemed time to go when I entered into a dance off with a 6'4" Tina Turner looki-likee.

What can you do, if you got the moves its your duty to get them out at every opportunity and believe me, my Tina is a thing of wonder. Slap is of the impression that it's more reminiscent of electrocution than Nut Bush but he also thinks my Elvis looks like I need a hip replacement so he's not to be trusted.

Roll on 2013... (I can only manage debauchery on this level once a year!)


  1. Sounds like a great night Jus! I was out Saturday too and still suffering ... why do we never learn? xxx

  2. I would so love to have been able to have seen that! Even imagining it gives me a good laugh ;-) Glad you had fun!

  3. Oh Jus - you know you'll never live this down! But the memories will be delicious - fancy reciting that story to your grand kids. I hope there are some pictures.

    Nina xxx

  4. Oh brilliant fun! No pictures of you in the dance off??

  5. Oh this is just classic. Shame you and I can't hit the dance floor together. Maaaan, it would be the mother of all dance off's!!!
    Hee hee
    Lovely to read your stuff, always a pleash.
    x x
