
Have you guessed what it is yet?

OK, so here's a teeny, tiny clue...




  1. Hello lovely Jus
    Oh my ears and whiskers! Just look at you with the seafaring vessel !!!! She is gorgeous and you'll have such larks together :-)
    And I've just read about your house sale and the waistline (I know all about that one ;-) ) - wowzers! You don't do things by half do you????
    Lovely new header too!
    Sending you big hugs from old blighty :-)
    D x

  2. A very trendy garden bench?

    Only kidding - you sail!

    Nina xxx

  3. Found you via Carole's blog (another kiwi).
    Love your style and your easy, breezy blog.

    So, have you broken a bottle of champagne on the bow yet? :)

  4. Sort of sorry about the last comment, but not really, guess just a sarkie old bag really. Loved the comments you left over at my place. Thanks. And now I've explored your place a bit I think you may be right. Great to have met you. In the words of the governor of california "I'll be back"

  5. oooh gorgeous, lots of adventuring to be done in that! make sure you have lashings of ginger beer in the style of the famous five!

  6. Oh peas and carrots it's grand! Lucky you and when is your birthday? Now I am dreaming of paddling and drifting on the water. Well it's been raining hammers and nails all day so some of the puddles in the yard might be suitable for sailing! Off I go.
