
Little Britain, big bum...

I'm pondering. Fancy Vintage has asked me to reveal 8 hidden things.


"What, I'm in the kitchen"

"Tell me something I do that no-one else knows about..."

"I'm thinking...... when you wear your Ann, eh, eh, eh, nightie and you think the kids can't see you, you flash your bottom at me"

He's still talking but I'm not listening anymore... I resolve not to ask him anymore open ended questions, he can't be trusted!

Thank you Miss Fancy, sending blog love back at you!


  1. Hahahahahahahaha! Oh, you guys...=-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oooohhhhh aaarrrrhhhhh missus!!!

    ps. he wasn't up for the tango, but a.....belly dance!! Typical blighty bloke.

  4. Hahahaha! Oh my, at first I thought you meant Ann Summers until I followed the link! You crack me up Jus!
    Rachel x

  5. Hope that you didn't think me too familiar commenting on your lovely blog. I just found it very attractive. Lovely photos.
